Sale! Out With the Old, and In With the New: I would like to clear out some early yarns so that I can post some new products and colours I'm working on. All yarns posted with a March date are now 15% off (any size of order). Orders of $60.00 or higher (of old stock/new stock/custom or a combination) will receive 20% off all March dated yarns.
Edited Sunday April 15, at 9:45 pm.
As of this update, I have sold off quite a few of the sale yarns. The yarns in the photo above are all that remain. Look for any yarns that still have a March posting date.
There are still two skeins of mohair in pretty Purple/Magenta(Boysenberry), and Blue/Purple/Red/Pink (Blue-Raspberry). There is just one skein of Debbie Bliss DK, and one skein of Optimum DK, and the rest of the yarns are worsteds/aran. Lots of pretty colours in the worsteds, and all are feltable (except for the Tresko sock yarn).
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