And my knitting...and parts of my life...
Well, it only makes sense that I've spent most of my waking hours over at etsy this week, but it's not going to stay that way.
I want to blog, and I want to knit, and I don't want to spend all my time on the computer.
I can keep up with dyeing and mailing and the other details of running an online shop. but I can't do it in two places at the same time. Can't be done. Not by this woman at least.
So here's the scoop: I've moved the business to etsy. If you want to buy my yarn, please go and buy it over there. I've had a great week. Etsy is so easy. I list the yarn, and I mail the yarn, and they take care of everything else. If you click on my shop, you'll see that it has been greatly simplified, and the etsy link is there. You can still email me for special orders, but everything else is at etsy. Don't be scared. Etsy is fun. You'll like it. I promise. :)
My new true love (don't tell Doug): This came in the mail yesterday and guess what it is???? Well, can you guess??
This...well, these...are two 1-kilo cones of Blue Face Leicester 2-ply Sportweight.
Sock knitters, you can start drooling now.
This stuff is amaaaaaazing. It's soft and strong at the same time. It has luster and great twist. It has body (or is that wine) and substance. And it dyes like a dream. Oh, I am going to have fun with this. Two kilos. That's a whole lotta socks.
I was in a spring fling kinda mood last night, and I had to get my hands and some dye onto some of that BFL. The outcome: LemonLime.
I've had some good suggestions from blog readers this week. I am hoping to install some flicker boxes over on the side with pix of my yarn and sold yarn. I know I'm well over 100 skeins sold since opening up here in March, but I don't have a firm total on that until I update my records.
And I want to get back to the business of knitting. Sockapalooza has sent out the invites, and so has Lisa -- for the elann shawl'along. I'm going to knit!
Oh yay! I think the etsy shop is an excellent idea. I've missed the bloggy part of your blog.
I've totally missed the bloggy part of my blog, Cate.
I don't want to run a store all over my life. But it's all learning and figuring it out.
Yay for simplification! I'm not going to check out your etsy shop right now. My package of SJK yarn arrived yesterday and I'm going to be spending part of today just petting the yarns!
The new Jeans color is sooo tempting.
See, that's the beauty, CBM, the shop is there for whenever. And it's easy for me to keep it stocked.
Hope you enjoy your new yarns!
Jeans sold, lol, so I've posted something else.
Yay for etsy. Glad it's working out so well for ya.
Happy knittingdyingblogging!
Jayne, I'm so glad you've got your blog groove back and etsy is working out for your yarn sales. Nice to have a little separation in our lives, isn't it? I have to tell you, when I first saw the picture of the love of your life - don't laugh, no DO laugh - I thought it was toilet paper! What a dope I am! So relieved it was not toilet paper but some lovely yarn. It must have been a hangover from that intestinal virus I had last week.HA!
ROFLMAO, Benne, but not wiping my AO with toilet paper.
Oh the sacrilege! BFL as toilet paper. You might get blogged about for that, girly.
Where did you get that yarn? I would love to find a source of natural coloured cone yarn suitable for socks, so I can dye some and knit them on my knitting machine for Christmas gifts. Or handknit them for myself, LOL. I haven't gotten to investigate cone yarns much yet, so I need a push in the right direction.
Nice to see another Canadian on Etsy!! Welcome!!
Your blog is great and your yarn is just beautiful!
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