Thursday, June 07, 2007

Happy 21st Anniversary To: SeeJayne and Mr KnitYarns

I used to scrapbook...

I met Doug in November of 1984, at a church I had just started attending, and we started dating on March 1, 1985.

Things that attracted me to him:
He told a hilarious and convoluted story about how he loves llamas because his parents were missionaries to Peru. They weren't, but I believed every word of it.

He asked me to dance at a New Year's party. I'm not sure anyone had asked me to dance up to that point.

He knew every single Monty Python sketch, many of them by heart, including one that is my favorite and that no one else ever seems to have heard of.

He brought me chocolate from Ghirardhelli Square in San Francisco, and I kissed his cheek and told him he was sweet. He asked me out about a week later.

Time it took us from our first date to decide to get married: One Week
Time it took us to get engaged (officially): Three months
He was 19 years old; I was twenty.

Our first date: He showed up at my door wearing an electric blue sparkly tie and with a rose in his teeth. We walked all over Vancouver, ate snacks in about five different places, and went to see the movie: The Gods Must Be Crazy.

He told me he loved me about a week later when we were out walking at the West Vancouver Sea Wall. I noticed he had put his hand down on a piling covered with tar as he said it. The conversation went something like this:

Doug: You know I love you.
Me: You just put your hand in tar.

We got married a year after we announced our engagement. A very 1980's wedding with five bridesmaids in dusty rose dresses. We called them "The Clones." I hate dusty rose.

Doug looked very dashing in his black tail coat. I wore a wedding dress that I had sewn myself and adapted from a Vogue pattern. I had two weird dreams in the week before our wedding. In one of them, I dreamt that when I arrived to marry Doug, my mom had beat me to it (!!). In the second one, I dreamt that as I walked down the aisle, huge pieces of my wedding dress fell off onto the floor until the whole thing just fell apart.

I'm pretty sure that twenty-one years ago, neither one of us knew what the hell we were doing, but we were very good friends, and we wanted to be together.

We still do.

Luv Ya, Big-Guy!


  1. happy anniversary, hon!

  2. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Oh Jayne that was so darn sweet! Happy Anniversary to you both.

  4. Happy Anniversary. It looks like you two are a great match. The tar comment made me chuckle.

    I received my clematis today, it's lovely. Thank you for creating something so beautiful

  5. Oh what a beautiful story! Happy anniversary! :-)

  6. You can see the Love!
    Happy Anniversary.

  7. What a lovely love story. Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  8. A real love story! Happy Anniversary.

  9. happy anniversary!! and many many more

  10. Anonymous6:49 p.m.

    Oh, what a sweet, happy post! Happy Anniversary!

  11. Happy anniversary to you and Doug!

  12. Anonymous5:57 a.m.

    Lovely. May the days and nights to come be blessed and even more enchanting than those that have passed by.

    Best wishes, Karen

  13. Happy Anniversary, you two! Great love story - love the bit about the tar. ;-}

  14. Anonymous2:43 p.m.

    Happy Anniversary!!! The pictures are so cute!!! We just celebrated out anniversary yesterday. (If you are looking for a nice tribute on my blog like the one on yours, you won't find it!)

  15. Anonymous6:07 p.m.

    21 years is a huge achievement! Hope you have 21 more loving years and then some!

  16. This is just so wonderful to read. I loved the pictures!!!! Very 80s indeed. And a wedding smack in the middle of Expo 86? That was my dream. :)

  17. Jayne,

    What a great story!!! Happy Anniversary and many more to come!


  18. Aw, what a sweet story. Happy Anniversary!

  19. sweeeeet! happy anniversary (and what is your favourite monty python sketch???)
