Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Feels Like Monday

And that's how I feel about that.

I know it's Tuesday, but it was a long weekend, and yesterday was a holiday. Today feels like Monday, and I woke up to two very distressing local news stories on the radio. The kind that make you want to stay in bed, pull the covers up over your head, and pretend there isn't a world out there. That, and my every-three-weeks-period showed up right on schedule. Welcome to middle age.

Ever since the etsy meet on Saturday, I've wanted to introduce you to a wonderful artist over at etsy, and a Vancouver chick, like me. Her shop name is cindyg's quirks of art. Cindy's art is beautiful, and so is she, a beautiful, friendly woman who is a delight to meet. Cindy makes art collages that evoke strong feelings when you look at them. I had to buy this piece because it spoke directly to my soul.

It's called: She Loved Even Harder. When I saw this piece in Cindy's shop, I had to have it. That face and those eyes make me feel like I am looking at the face of the eleven-year-old that is still very much alive inside me. Not to sound too weird about this, but SHE had to have it.

You can't guess from looking at this piece that it is only 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches in size. Cindy packs a lot of talent into her small pieces called ACEO's (Artist Cards Editions and Originals). They are very reasonably priced and a great way to collect original art. A lot of artists at etsy sell miniatures, and it is amazing what they can express in such a small form.

Cindy's bigger pieces are amazing too. I have my eye on this piece. I love it! Please go and admire the rest of Cindy's work at her shop HERE.

Finally, I really enjoyed all the responses and discussion that went on with yesterday's post. A big hello to all the people who have come out of hiding recently to comment. It's great to have so many voices in the conversation. Every one of you has something to add to the experience here, and quite often y'all make my day.

Now if I can just get it into my head that it's Tuesday, I can pretend that this week skipped Monday altogether. Whee!

PS. I'm editing this post to add something quick and cool. I just arranged a trade with another yarn dyer at etsy. I am getting THIS. She is getting THIS. We are both excited about a cool trade.

The woman I traded with has just posted a three month/three skein sock club membership. I think it's a great deal for three skeins of sock yarn, shipping and surprise goodies. Her yarn looks terrific, so ya might want to check it out. You can see the sock club offering HERE.


  1. Thanks for posting this your a total star!!!!!

  2. Good 'n' Plenty! That is what your yarn reminded me of. Now I am hungry.

  3. Yeah, Patricia, candy, licorice allsorts. That's what those colours remind me of. Mmmmm....tasty yarn.

  4. Wow, looks like you're having so much fun with etsy!

    Isn't our crafty/knitty world the best?!
