Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Oh No! Mo' Snow...



  1. I've been trying to figure out the new in your format but it looks as lovely as before, with the addition of the cute photos on the right. Everything with Blogger takes forever to do and is not intuitive (at least not for me.) I wish I'd gone with Typepad instead but seems like too much of a hassle to switch now.

    Send that snow south and over to the east please. Many of our smaller ski areas had been closing down to preserve the precious little snow they have on the ground in anticipation of the big ski weekend this weekend. (US holiday on Monday).

  2. Oh I don't know, I think it looks beautiful. But then, I live where it doesn't snow. I'm pretty sure it's different thing when you live in snow and have to shovel it, or get ice off your windshield...

  3. I feel your snowy pain.

  4. Anonymous4:11 a.m.

    14 windstorms, and now snow again! Do you think we should move to Alberta?

  5. I wish it would snow least it would be warmer..brrrrrr!

  6. Anonymous4:56 a.m.

    Good chance to layer up in all of your woolies, eh, Jayne? No??
    We've certainly had some cold windy weather near Calgary but just a skiff of snow lately tho it's been trying hard the last few days. The ski resorts are loving it - if any skiiers can get to them!

  7. Anonymous10:18 a.m.

    Hi Jayne,
    I live on Bowen Island and read your blog everyday. I wondered if you had got you little knits order yet,and what colour alpaca silk you got? I am thinking of getting some after reading your post, you yarn enabler, you! Speaking of which, I got some of the Gedifra at the Ram wools 30th anniversary sale, thanks to your recommendation :)
