Monday, January 08, 2007

Blog Renos Done...Back to Knitting

I've finished the front and back of the Kitchen Sink Sweater. This is all one piece.

Now I'm working on a sleeve:

Plugging away on the second Fleece Artist sock...I'm knitting the heel flap.

The Christmas break is (finally) over, and the kids went back to school today. I celebrated by going to the chiro, going for a nice long walk (before the next storm hits), and going back to knitting. Happy day.


  1. Anonymous12:33 a.m.

    Blog remodel looks great, Jayne. Love the colors in the sweater!

  2. goodness your kids had a long break, the kiddies around here went back on the 2nd, sometimes I out of the loop on school closings and such with all of mine grown and gone but my favorite breakfast spot is a great barometer of who is around and who is not!!

    Love your knitting---your KSS is coming out great!

  3. Like I said, Jayne QOS, Queen of Stripes.

  4. Thanks, Jean, that sweater is fun.

    Joan, I was thinking that all my free patterns are going to be for stripedy things, esp. when the Pamir sweater goes up. LOL.

    Grace, the kids got out right before Christmas and had the usual two weeks off (usual around here at least). It just went later 'cuz it started later (22nd). Other years it goes from a week before Christmas to just after New year's.
