Friday, September 01, 2006

Welcome to my brand new blog!

I can't believe it. I have a blog. And I set it up by myself. That's the part that I can't believe. I'm an artsy-fartsy type and not very technical at all. When it comes to technology, I'm a bit of a Luddite. My computer-geek husband Doug laughs at me --not WITH me, not NEAR me -- AT me about my technical ineptitude. But he does the dishes so I'll keep him around. Notice that I set up my blog while he was out for the evening. Coincidence? I think not.

Anyway, I'm about exhausted from setting the durn thing up, so here are a few pix just to make things look colourful around here.

The Fam...

The Ham...

Where I walk every day...

My Passion...


  1. What the heck is "the ham"? I can't quite tell....

    Welcome to blog land! Good name for your blog (hee hee!)


  2. Love the picture of where you walk. I'm jealous.

  3. Anonymous9:21 a.m.

    Welcome to Blog World! You have a lovely family, and hamster, also.

  4. Yeah...I haven't quite got the captions in the right places by my pix...Tant pis!

    It's a HAMSTER (peppo)

    Congrats to Jean for being the first! The virtual yarn spending spree goes to her.

    You'll be seeing lots more pix of that inlet.

  5. Anonymous1:53 p.m.

    You are added to my favorites. Blog on!
