Tuesday, September 26, 2006


This came in the mail yesterday. I have been accused of yarn enabling lately, so I will mumble out of the side of my mouth that Knit Happens (see yarny hangouts in sidebar) has a small selection of Blue Sky Alpaca products on sale right now. Most of them have sold out, but you can still get sportweight in Royal Purple for 5.50 a skein. And they have Bulky hand-dyed for eight-something, and two-toned bulky hand dyed for ten-something, and worsted weight in several nice colours for twelve-something, instead of eighteen-something. Okay, you didn't hear any of that cuz I was mumbling.

In any case, this came in the mail yesterday. This is not what I wanted, but apparently this is what I ordered. I'm sure it's a nice colour, but it's not my colour.

And the problem is, I ordered it along with this:

See my problem?

So I ran to the cupboard for two packages of strawberry Kool-Aid, and ten minutes later, I had this! Not bad eh?

Made for each other. H says she actually likes my skein better than BS's skein. This IS a day.

Not so KooL...

While I was at it, I decided to try the kool-aid treatment on a skein of Handpainted merino I ordered several months ago. The colour is called Butter BM. Hmmm...

It is the one Handpainted Yarn product I have not been happy with, but I guess that's not their fault. It is the usual dreamy merino, but I thought I was getting something creamy or off-white. I ordered one skein to see of my monitor was close. It's...nice...if you like urine-yellow. BM might be the wrong function for this colour, but it is an accurate assessment of my opinion of it. Anyhoo...more packages of kool-aid later, and it got uglier. After a trip to Safeway for yet more kool-aid, it got uglier still. It takes a lot for me to throw out yarn. But that stuff is gone.

If you think I'm bad for yarn enabling, CatBookMom takes the prize. She posted yesterday about some sale at a place called Little Knits. I went to have a peek and ended up getting sucked down into a vortex of whole bags of Debbie Bliss merino chunky and dk for less than thirty dollars a bag. If she buys up all the BSA purple sportweight, then my revenge will be sweet.


  1. ah Jayne great dye job! I too succumbed to the sale of Debbie Bliss, I ordered 2 bags of DK, turquoise and green!!!

  2. LA LA LA-

    I can't hear you. I don't NEED DB.

  3. Anonymous6:39 a.m.

    Oh the call of Debbie Bliss merino DK, I got some from Webs last spring and tried valiantly to resist this round, to no avail. I shopped and released yesterday, but today, when it was still there I did even more damage than I had initially thought. I wonder if there is any chance Ann will have some still in the warehouse for this winter or if it is gone, gone, gone.

  4. Yes, Nicole, it is really soft. And it feels even softer once it has been washed.

    As for enabling...just spreading the cheer around. :0

  5. Now, see, if I hadn't mentioned this, you would have missed out on some great yarn at fabuloso prices! I am not responsible for future yarn purchases there; it seems like they have stuff on deep discount a lot of the time.

    I looked at Knit Happens, though there is only the purple BSA left, and I don't want any of that right now. The Lantern Moon ebony circs, now, THOSE are tempting!

  6. Now, see, if I hadn't mentioned this, you would have missed out on some great yarn at fabuloso prices! I am not responsible for future yarn purchases there; it seems like they have stuff on deep discount a lot of the time.

    I looked at Knit Happens, though there is only the purple BSA left, and I don't want any of that right now. The Lantern Moon ebony circs, now, THOSE are tempting!

  7. Now, see, if I hadn't mentioned this, you would have missed out on some great yarn at fabuloso prices! I am not responsible for future yarn purchases there; it seems like they have stuff on deep discount a lot of the time.

    I looked at Knit Happens, though there is only the purple BSA left, and I don't want any of that right now. The Lantern Moon ebony circs, now, THOSE are tempting!
