Monday, September 11, 2006

A Bit of Peace

Today is a day of sad remembering. I need a bit of peace. When I need to find perspective and get moving, get centered, I go to the inlet near my home. I walk. I listen and look. I get out of myself for a while. I do this nearly every day. Today I brought my camera so that you can come with me.

The tide is out. When the tide is in, the water laps at the edges of this boardwalk, and all the grass is underwater.

This is the time of year for wild asters

And rose hips

The smell of dried leaves and blackberries past their prime

Soon I will watch the salmon spawning and the Dunlin Sandpipers flashing their wings in the sunshine

This is a place of winding paths and bowers of branches

Rustic paths and well-worn wooden bridges

Bright fall colours are just beginning to show up

I like to spy on the birds

The view from the duckblind always reminds me of freedom within limitations

There are so many beautiful places to sit and just look. A duck couple is usually here.

This is my favorite place to look out and think

Hardly any birds today, must be too hot, except for this lone heron

Summer is hanging on for a bit longer

At the end of the walk is the beach at Old Orchard Park.

My walk is shaped like a "U" We started where the U starts to curve. When you go back the way we came, and go up the other leg of the U, you get to Rocky Point Park, a cultivated park for hanging out and community events. Rocky Point is directly across the water from the beach at Old Orchard. It takes about an hour and a half to do the whole walk.

Fish and chips always taste better outside

No shortage of these guys!

It always makes me feel so very grateful.

Go in peace.


  1. Anonymous7:30 p.m.

    Beautiful, thoughtful post, Jayne. Thank you for letting me walk with you today. It was a welcome respite.

  2. Nice pictures, Jayne-it was a good photo essay.

  3. Wow. It does something for my Florida-weary heart and mind to see all your sites.

    Are leaves really starting to change?!? It won't happen here unless they all get blown away, die, or it's mid-January.

  4. Anonymous12:49 p.m.

    Mmmm, nice walk. Big peace. Thanks for sharing it, Jayne. It's just 'Dunlin' btw. Not that I'm a stickler for detail.(!) The walking's good in Ladner on Fridays, if that suits you (although it's slow and interrupted by M & E whizzing about with sticks and setting up mock path blockages for unsuspecting adults.) Karin

  5. Benne said it perfectly. So peaceful, and what a wonderful place to sit and knit.

  6. Anonymous5:47 p.m.

    Your pictures took me right there....thank you, it's beautiful.

  7. Thanks, all of you, I wish we could all go for real some time. We could gather like geese on the beach.

    Hey, Karin-girl! I know you!! The knitting gaggle starts up soon. Bring BBBB, and we'll blog it. :)

  8. Wow, just look at your pics is enough to make me feel centered!!!! Looks like you live in a beautiful place for sure.
